
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In the tempest, power

Ada Bottesfordian, 1951.
18 Winter Street.
George Fox on Winter  

"And Friends, though you may have tasted of the power and been convinced and have felt the light, yet afterwards you may feel winter storms, tempests, and hail, and be frozen, in frost and cold and a wilderness and temptations. Be patient and still in the power and still in the light that doth convince you, to keep your minds to God; in that be quiet, that you may come to the summer, that your flight be not in the winter. For if you sit still in the patience which overcomes in the power of God, there will be no flying. For the husbandman, after he hath sown his seed, he is patient. For by the power and by the light you will come to see through and feel over winter storms, tempests, and all the coldness, barrenness, emptyness. And the same light and power will go over the tempter’s head, which power and light were before he was. And so in the light standing still you will see your salvation, you will see the Lord’s strength, you will feel the small rain, you will feel the fresh springs . . ."

Thanks to the Hay Quaker blog by Ray Lovegrove, for this lovely quote and provision of the artwork. 

George Fox, 1624-1691, was founder of the movement Society of Friends, which came to be called Quakers. Mary Dyer was "convinced" of their beliefs in the 1650s, and gave her life to stop the deadly persecution of Quakers in New England.

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