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As I was researching and writing the two novels on Mary and
William Dyer (originally, I planned one book about Mary, but when I included
her “other half,” I had to separate the manuscripts), I found conflicting
accounts among histories that were mostly written by Quakers. They told the
story for the purposes of proselytizing, for justifying the actions of their
fellow believers, and some wrote short pieces as eyewitnesses, but they told
Mary’s part of the story from one perspective.
Today, we have the benefits of archived materials in both
Old and New England, journals and
correspondence that have been scanned and transcribed for the Gutenberg
Project, satellite maps, geological surveys, online art collections, and we can
analyze events with more logic and science than the historians of past
centuries. We can fit Mary’s and William’s puzzle pieces into the greater
A small portion of my timeline for the Dyer books. © Christy K Robinson |
To clear up the conflicts in their reporting, and insert
actual events and lives the Dyers interacted with, I made an Excel grid from
the 1580s when Gov. John Winthrop and Anne Hutchinson were born, to 1709, when
the Dyers’ youngest child died. I could figure when women were pregnant and how
long sea voyages took, how many times and how long Mary Dyer was in prison (and
who she was with), and where people were when earthquakes and comets and
epidemics occurred. It answered many questions, and inspired story lines.
When it came to the 1650s, though, the Anglo-Dutch War broke
out and Cromwell’s Protectorate ruled the British Empire, and Quaker
missionaries arrived in America,
the facts were terribly garbled, so I broke the 10 years into months. It helped
me unravel the conflicting reports, especially about Mary’s two dates with the
gallows, and to realize that there were no coincidences. The events like the
Hutchinsonians making the Exodus from Boston in
1638, and Mary’s final return to Boston
in 1660, were deliberate and well considered.
In May, all across New England,
colonial elections were held, and courts and assemblies heard cases like incorporating
towns, funding roads and bridges, and criminal cases like dealing with Quakers
and Baptists, thieves, alcoholics, and adulterers. During this month, freemen
(voters and jurymen) came from all over the colony to stay in town and do their
civic duty, attend church services, and do trading and exports.
William Dyer was at colonial assembly in Portsmouth, Rhode Island,
in late May 1660. Boston
was full of thousands of people at the same time, when the annual elections
returned John Endecott for another year’s term as governor. That’s precisely
why Mary Dyer chose May 21 to arrive in Boston:
for the greater audience to witness her civil disobedience and be forced to
deal with the issues. It wasn’t a random date or a sneak-in-the-back-door entrance: she calculated the time when the Governor,
deputy governors, magistrates, freemen, leading citizens and candidates—would
all be in one place. If she were to be executed, she wanted everyone to know it
and see it.
Not quite two years before, two Quaker men had had their
ears cut off in private, and they were immediately shipped back to England.
Their disobedience had a smaller effect on the Boston populace. Katherine Scott, who would
become the mother-in-law of one of those men, protested that secret punishment,
noting that it was against English law to punish in private (because punishment
was meant to deter further crime in the community), and Endecott and the
deputies were in violation of the law. For being impudent to the governors,
Mrs. Scott was stripped to the waist and they gave her 10 lashes with the
tri-corded whip before they imprisoned her for a while.
May 1660,
Julian calendar
From late November 1659 to May 11, 1660, Mary was staying at the
northeast end of Long Island, on a smaller island called Shelter Island.
May 10-11:
Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick, 62-year-olds who had been severely persecuted
for Quaker beliefs and practices, died in exile on Shelter Island,
where Mary Dyer had spent the winter. It’s a small island, half land and half
marsh, so Mary and the Southwicks would have been in each others’ company at the Sylvester house
during the extremely harsh winter. In my book, Mary Dyer: For Such a Time as This, I speculated that she saw their
failing health and stayed until their deaths. Her sorrow and outrage may have
helped propel her return to Boston.
Approx. May 12: Mary
took a ship from Shelter Island to Providence, Rhode Island.
It would have taken 12-24 hours in the best of weather, so estimate a May 13-14
arrival in Providence.
Mary attended a Quaker Meeting in Providence,
and took young Patience Scott (daughter of Katherine Marbury Scott) with her on
44-mile walk to Boston. It probably took three days to walk that distance, and
sleep and eat in the forest, so they may have set out on
May 17-18.
Saturday, May 20: “In
the night there was a continuation of thunder and lightning, from 9 to 3
o’clock.” (Annals of Salem). The book only recorded remarkable events, not your everyday weather report, so this storm was severe and noticeable, and probably part of a system that included other parts of Massachusetts. There may even have been tornadoes.
Sunday, May 21:
Mary arrested for returning to Massachusetts Bay Colony against her
banishment order. Her arrival was timed for Sunday/First Day, when church attendance swelled the numbers of people in town. She was jailed for 10 days. (One historian wrote that Mary was free, ministering and preaching between
the 21st and her arraignment on the 31st. My timeline containing all the
accounts corrected that.)
Saturday, May 27: William
Dyer was engaged with Assembly meetings in Portsmouth, RI,
we learn from
his letter of May 27. Someone needed two to three days to bring him the
news that Mary was in Boston
jail, meaning that she was incarcerated almost immediately on her arrival in
town. And William’s letter needed 1-3 days to arrive at Boston’s General Court, even with a fast
Thursday, June 1: Thursday was Lecture Day in Massachusetts Bay Colony, with required church attendance. It was also the day when punishments and executions were carried out, because people were supposed to see the wages of wickedness and turn away from sin, and then go to church to hear a sermon tied to the events of the day. Mary Dyer was executed on Boston Neck at 9:00am, after which the 2,000 to 5,000 spectators went to church.

Christy K Robinson
is author of two biographical novels on William
and Mary Dyer, and a collection of her nonfiction research on the Dyers.
In 1660, Mary Dyer was hanged for her civil disobedience over religious
freedom, and her husband’s and friends’ efforts in that human right became a
model for the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights 130 years later. The
books (and Kindle versions) are available on Amazon. CLICK
HERE for the links.
And if you'd like to own or give an art-quality print of Mary Dyer's
handwriting, her letter to the General Court of Massachusetts, CLICK HERE.
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