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Was it a religious strike against a pagan symbol, or was it a commercial interest that made the destruction of the Maypole such a tempest?
Thomas Morton was a bad, bad man. He was of a similar age with Anne Hutchinson, Gov. John Endecott, and Gov. John Winthrop, born in 1590. He was an English lawyer before he sailed to Massachusetts Bay in 1622, returned in 1625, and became a thorn in the side of the Plymouth Pilgrims and later the Puritans who founded Salem and Boston.
Thomas Morton was a bad, bad man. He was of a similar age with Anne Hutchinson, Gov. John Endecott, and Gov. John Winthrop, born in 1590. He was an English lawyer before he sailed to Massachusetts Bay in 1622, returned in 1625, and became a thorn in the side of the Plymouth Pilgrims and later the Puritans who founded Salem and Boston.
He settled with some investor-adventurers in what is now Quincy, and proceeded to
drink with the Indians and to give them guns to procure furs—which terrified
the Pilgrims 26 miles to the south. Morton was no Separatist, Pilgrim, or
Puritan, but an Anglican who would rather be hunting and fishing than sitting
in a church, anyway. You can read more about Morton and his run-ins with Massachusetts government
at his profile, . (Hint: he was jailed several times, and died poverty-stricken in Maine in the 1640s.)
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There probably were no women in Morton's Merrymount community, unless they were servants or Indians. |
Perhaps the event that Morton is remembered for the most is
that he and his men set up an eighty-foot Maypole at a hill he named Merrymount
(half a mile from Mt. Wollaston, where the Hutchinsons would own a farm from
1634 on), and there, his adventurers drank and danced with the Indians on the
first day of May, 1625.
Inhabitants of . . . Mare Mount . . . did devise amongst themselves . . .
Revels and merriment after the old English custome; (they) prepared to sett up
a Maypole upon the festivall day . . . and therefore brewed a barrell of
excellent beare . . . to be spent, with other good cheare, for all commers of
that day. And . . . they had prepared a song fitting to the time and present
occasion. And upon May day they brought the Maypole to the place appointed,
with drumes, gunnes, pistols and other fitting instruments, for the purpose;
and there erected it with the help of Salvages, that came thether to see the
manner of our Revels. A goodly pine tree
of 80 foot longe was reared up, with a peare of buckshorns nayled one
somewhat neare unto the top of it: where it stood, as a faire sea mark for
directions how to finde out the way to mine Hoste of Mare Mount."
The New England
Cannan, Book III, Chapter 14.)
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Things that are 80 feet in length: brigantine, Airbus A380, truck. |
Now, an 80-foot pole is eight stories high, the length of an Airbus A380, and it would weigh about 10 tons, and
that seems very large for a community of bachelors to fuss about. I watched a
1985 video of the raising of an 80-foot Maypole in Slingsby, UK,
where they dug a large hole in which to seat the pole, then raised it with a
crane before a band played “God Save the Queen.” To raise a 10-ton tree trunk
with ropes and men to balance and stabilize it seems like a lot more work than
drunken rebels would enjoy.
Did Morton's people raise the Maypole with its antlers on top as a billboard for ships coming into Massachusetts Bay, that they had furs and hides to sell to European traders, in competition with the Pilgrims who were supposed to be providing furs as a generous return to their investors? If they wanted an excuse to drink their barrel of beer and do some manly feat, a 20-foot pole with a flag would have sufficed. But an 80-foot pole might be a landmark to ships spotting a trading post.
Did Morton's people raise the Maypole with its antlers on top as a billboard for ships coming into Massachusetts Bay, that they had furs and hides to sell to European traders, in competition with the Pilgrims who were supposed to be providing furs as a generous return to their investors? If they wanted an excuse to drink their barrel of beer and do some manly feat, a 20-foot pole with a flag would have sufficed. But an 80-foot pole might be a landmark to ships spotting a trading post.
Or maybe Morton and his company raised the Maypole and its secular revelry to purposely
annoy and outrage their sober Pilgrim neighbors, who, along with the Scottish
Presbyterians and the English Puritans, considered the Maypole to be a pagan
idol. This seems to be the tack that Pilgrims used to justify their later actions.
May Day was a spring fertility festival in many European
cultures, going back to prehistory. It was a cross-quarter day, halfway between
the spring equinox and the summer solstice, when the “veil” between the spirit
world and our world was weak, and spirits could enter human beings and lead
them astray. It was a time of sexual initiation, and girls who met boys in the
tall grass or bushes came back with gowns of green, stained with chlorophyll. Early May was the time to plant peas, beets, spinach, squash, and melons.
During the centuries of Roman Catholic influence and
authority, Christian churches were built at pagan worship sites to both
conquer the previous culture’s gods and votive sites, and assimilate the old ways
and worshipers into the new rites. Many astronomical, seasonal dates that had
honored pagan gods were supplanted with saint festivals and holy days
(holidays). Old customs took on new meanings, even if they were very thinly
At the English Reformation in the 16th century, maypoles fell into disuse as the Puritan movement took the new Anglican Church
further away from its Catholic (and therefore contaminated, pagan) roots. But
the Puritans bent too far for many English people, and instituted a harsh,
rigid, fundamentalist way of life that grated on Anglicans. In 1618, King James
I, who had been plagued by rebellious and intransigent Puritan ministers,
published a booklet called The Book of
Sports (see
article in this blog), that gave permission to, even directed, his subjects to
break the Sabbath gloom with playing games and getting some healthy exercise. Among
the activities the king suggested was to hold May games and set up Maypoles.
Our pleasure likewise is, That the Bishop of that Diocesse take the like straight order with all the Puritanes and Precisans within the same, either constraining them to conforme themselves, or to leave the County according to the Lawes of Our Kingdome, and Canons of Our Church, and so to strike equally on both hands, against the contemners of Our Authority, and adversaries of Our Church. And as for Our good peoples lawfull Recreation, Our pleasure likewise is, That after the end of Divine Service, Our good people be not disturbed, letted or discouraged from any lawful recreation, Such as dauncing, either men or women, Archery for men, leaping, vaultings or any other such harmelesse Recreation, nor from having of May Games, Whitsun [Pentecost] Ales; and Morris dances, and the setting up of Maypoles & other sports therewith used, So as the same be had in due & convenient time, without impediment or neglect of Divine Service: And that women shall have leave to carry rushes to the Church for the decoring of it, according to their old custome…
Morton’s first maypole-raising was in 1625. As a lawyer and a
subject of England,
he knew he was within his rights, and fulfilling King James’ order, to set up a maypole in his town. It seems that when Morton wasn’t being removed against his
will to England and bouncing
back to Massachusetts,
he was drinking with the Indians, dealing guns to the Indians, and setting up a
phallic symbol to madden the Pilgrim neighbors.
But while Morton and his men were drunkenly contemplating their handiwork in 1628, Plymouth sent their military man, Myles Standish, to arrest Morton. Twenty-six miles on foot, or several hours of sailing, seems quite a distance for the Pilgrims to reach out to punish Morton, on his own land, for his revels. (The Pilgrims, who had escaped English persecution by fleeing to the Netherlands before risking their lives in savage wilderness of America, went out of their way to put an end to Morton’s religious beliefs and practices in the New World.) They deposited Morton on an island with some provisions, until a ship could take him back to England, but he escaped with the help of his Indian associates.
But while Morton and his men were drunkenly contemplating their handiwork in 1628, Plymouth sent their military man, Myles Standish, to arrest Morton. Twenty-six miles on foot, or several hours of sailing, seems quite a distance for the Pilgrims to reach out to punish Morton, on his own land, for his revels. (The Pilgrims, who had escaped English persecution by fleeing to the Netherlands before risking their lives in savage wilderness of America, went out of their way to put an end to Morton’s religious beliefs and practices in the New World.) They deposited Morton on an island with some provisions, until a ship could take him back to England, but he escaped with the help of his Indian associates.
John Endecott, in his first term as governor of
Massachusetts Bay Colony, visited Merrymount in 1629, and had the Maypole taken down.
Chopping it with an ax would be more dramatic, but he may have pulled it down
with ropes. (An 80-foot tree trunk might be useful as a ship mast.) Of course,
you remember Endecott as the governor who sent four Quakers, including Mary Dyer, to the gallows from
1659-1661, tortured and imprisoned hundreds of others, hanged a woman who
believed she saw the ghost of her dead child, and beat people to a pulp
(including Baptist minister Obadiah Holmes Sr.) if they didn’t conform to his
narrow fundamentalism.
It wasn’t solely Endecott doing those actions. He was
elected to office for numerous one-year terms as governor and assistant
governor between 1629 and his death in 1665. Obviously, there was an element of
colonial society who shared his ideology of religious government and enforcing
certain beliefs.
In our society, we see similar events and responses in the
news on a daily basis. Like the Maypole story, much of the news involves
religious groups proclaiming their beliefs on morality issues such as same-sex
relationships, sex outside marriage, contraconception and pregnancy
termination, the death penalty, domestic violence, child molestation, anti
[-Islamic/-Catholic/-Semitic/-pagan/-atheist, etc.]. There are also reports
about prayer in public meetings, schools, and the military; and the existence
of monuments or displays of the Ten Commandments at government buildings.
Knowing your history, and the forces and personalities
behind it, is vitally important in slowing and stopping religious intolerance
and oppression. Mary Dyer and her husband William, and the entire colony of Rhode Island, worked for
years to develop a society of tolerance and human rights for all faiths, even
those without faith, because without that provision, there is no true freedom.
Mary intentionally defied Gov. Endecott and his system, and died to prove that
religious liberty was a life and death matter. William Dyer, John Clarke, and
Roger Williams codified that liberty in their constitution (the Charter of
1663), and their successful experiment with religious liberty and separation of
church and state (a pet issue of Anne Hutchinson) was a huge influence on the
United States Constitution written in the next century.
More reading on Morton or the Maypole
Good material on Merrymount., which is in Quincy,
half a mile from Mt. Wollaston (where the Hutchinsons owned land).
______________________________ profile for Thomas Morton
Christy K Robinson is author of
these books:
Shall Be Changed (2010)
Dyer Illuminated Vol. 1 (2013)
Dyer: For Such a Time as This Vol. 2 (2014)
Dyers of London, Boston, & Newport Vol. 3 (2014)
Hunter (2015)
And of these sites:
Love (inspiration and service)
for Ancestors (history and genealogy)
William and Mary Barrett Dyer
(17th century culture and history of England and New England)
This is an amazing story! Hard to imagine that 80 ft pole and how they managed to get it up..but then, the reason for doing so makes good sense to me..both the advertising and the annoying. Both seem typical of human nature to me! Thanks for this very interesting article.
ReplyDeleteFacebook comments:
ReplyDeleteA.R. Price: Hmm this is awfully biased. Morton was not a fair nor just man and the way he treated the Pilgrims wasn't honorable. Despite their religious differences, Morton was a modern day gangster who was opportunistic and sneaky. Reading about his actions as written by William Bradford makes this plain.
Christy K Robinson: I'm not suggesting Morton was honorable. He supplied guns and alcohol to the Native Americans, and he seemed to purposely annoy the Pilgrims. However, it was not the Pilgrims' responsibility or right, to leave their patented lands to carry out a military raid on Morton and his investors on his patented land. Now, the Pilgrims may have done the raid to protect themselves from the perceived threat of natives with firearms (which put natives on equal footing militarily), but it could also have been because they felt threatened in their commercial enterprises.
It was also not in Endecott's authority to destroy Morton's property or imprison him, based on "morality." Endecott's later practices, particularly against Baptists and Quakers, included arresting them, beating them to a pulp, fining and confiscating property, hanging them, and THEN creating a law to justify his persecution. Morally, Endecott himself was questionable. He had an illegitimate son in England, he may have had an STD that caused his back to have a debilitating and stinking sore, and he beat a servant girl 30 lashes for claiming that her pregnancy was caused by Endecott's son Zerubbabel raping her.
This is why government should not legislate morality or religion. If you were among the persecuted, but following the dictates of conscience for yourself, or if you were acting in a way that met with disapproval from those in power, you'd want and need the protections that came about because of the writings and actions of Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, Mary Dyer, and others. They were the pioneers of our rights and freedoms. There is no justice unless the laws and the rights pertain to all, equally. That's what makes it unbiased.
A.R. Price: Endicott came nearly ten years after the Mayflower folks. I'm wasn't speaking of the nasty things he did. Morton terrorized the Pilgrims and screwed them over repeatedly. If you don't think this piece is biased that's fine. Have at it.
Facebook comments, continued:
ReplyDeleteA.R. Price: You realize endicott wasn't in Plymouth, right? And the Pilgrims weren't puritans, they were separatists.
Christy K Robinson: Yes. I've been closely researching the religions, politics, and individuals of Massachusetts for 20 years, and have written five books and a very popular and extensive blog on it.
When I say Pilgrim, I distinguish them from the Puritans. Salem was 60+ miles from Plymouth, and 30+ miles from Quincy. I've done my homework.
The Pilgrims arrived in winter 1620, and Endecott, a Puritan, arrived in spring 1628. Morton, an Anglican (the state religion), came in about 1625.
A.R. Price: Yes I know. I'm a granddaughter of one of the Mayflower pilgrims.
I'm not disputing that Endicott was sometimes tyrannical and hateful esp to Quakers Morton, deserved everything he earned.
Christy K Robinson: I'm a Mayflower and Plymouth Colony, Boston immigrants, and Dyer descendant, too. Morton was irresponsible and Endecott was a fanatic. Plymouth colonists committed genocide on the Pequots in 1636-67, and they beat Quakers nearly to death in the 1650s and 1660s. None are faultless and pure. But they were four-dimensional human beings, not 2-D cartoons. Most of them can be commended for their other actions.
We, 400 years later, can certainly learn from the struggle to identify and encode human and civil rights, and commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice for all. That is the purpose behind my Mayday story.
A.R. Price: Well the article is decidedly skewed. Whether you agree or not isn't of import to me. I posted a viewpoint. You are free to have yours. Have a good one!
Facebook comments:
ReplyDeleteN Joy Lake: As an adult I look back and wonder why I wasn't interested in history when folks were trying to give it to me ...
Christy K Robinson: Probably because it wasn't personalized: dates and events are b.o.r.i.n.g. Figuring out how various viewpoints converged on an event and comparing to modern thought: super fun. And thank you. I'll take that as a compliment, Joy!
Facebook comments:
ReplyDeleteSlavica Glorianna Kukich-Ostojic: I don't understand why it was called biased. The article was well written and informative.
…Christy K Robinson: Probably because she has her own bias, which is toward authoritarian, fundamentalist, religious politics. I don't know her personally, but that's how her answers appear. It's mind-blowing, that people don't appreciate the freedoms we have in the Constitution, and how they argue for more government control and policing.
…Slavica Glorianna Kukich-Ostojic: I know, makes me sad. The last 30 years remind me more of the communist and socialist government we had in former Yugoslavia, than Democratic government.
Facebook comments:
ReplyDeleteNewman Trout: I sympathize with Morton. I would probably have joined in with him Hahahahahaha
…Christy K Robinson: Bad boys, bad boys... What's the rest of that reality cop show theme?
Rhonda Palmer: Christy, I am more impressed than ever with your amazing life!!! What delightful writing, and so interesting and timely. Of course it is UNbiased, so folk with narrow fields of vision will be appalled. “Dredging up the past” they think, “only upsets the present.” Well dredge away, I say.
…Newman Trout: Buy her books!
…Rhonda Palmer: Newman Trout, I will do just that!!