Or: The Evolution of a Novelist
© 2017 Jo Ann Butler, by permission
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like to share a bit about myself by way of introducing my latest book, The
Golden Shore. It joins Rebel Puritan and The Reputed Wife in my Scandalous Life
series, homage to Rhode Island’s diverse origins, and also to one of its most
notorious rebels, Herodias Long.
been in love with colonial America for 45 years. The seeds of that love affair were
planted by a 1961 National Geographic article about Pompeii. I was only 7, but I
read that magazine to shreds. From that day on I longed to become an
first dig was not in the shadow of Vesuvius, but at an 18th century mill village
Connecticut. That summer I was immersed in the durable minutiae of colonial
life – stuff people threw away or lost – as I excavated a cellar dug in the
mid-1700s, then filled with 18th century trash after the house burned.
of my finds were the stuff we leave behind at picnics today – bones, bottles,
and food containers. Organic stuff – apple cores & such – decay quickly,
but glass survives burial very well. I found scads of glass fragments, and a
few intact bottles as well. Metal was precious, so they reused or reworked it,
but pins, buttons, coins, nails, and children’s toys are easily lost, to be
found by me.
were the plastics of the colonial world. Clay is cheap, widely available, and more
easily shaped than molten glass, but earthenware is also fragile, especially
porcelain and fine tableware. I found shattered plates, mugs, and storage jars
by the bucket load.
went on to dig at Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, site of a Revolutionary War victory over
the British, and then at the burned-out home of Robert Livingston, a New York
signer of the Declaration of Independence.
you see a trend here? I love colonial America, and can still guess the age of a
ceramic chip by its glaze and design, a nail by its head and shank, and a
bottle by tool marks on its neck and lip. I use that knowledge to set scenes
and furnish Herodias Long’s home in my Scandalous Life series.
I tore up a knee, and had to quit archeology. It wasn’t long before Mom and I
took up genealogy – more colonial America! Mom’s ancestry is top-heavy with
Rhode Islanders, most of them younger sons with no chance to inherit the family
farm. They were given their portions and told, in essence, “Go west, young man."
out, or trailblazing? My forefathers were Rhode Island’s founders, creating one
town after another because, as one researcher quipped, nobody wanted to live
with anybody else. In 1636 Roger Williams, champion of Rhode Island’s freedom
of worship, was cast out of Salem, Mass., for heresy. Several families followed
him, and they built Providence. A few years later, those who preferred Samuel
Gorton’s firebrand preaching followed him south to build at Warwick.
Puritans left England because they didn’t want to live with Anglicans. In 1637
Anne Hutchinson’s heresy spurred them to eject her and her numerous followers,
and they created Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Two years later, yet another
factional schism sent a large group, including George Gardner and the Dyer family,
to the far end of the island, where they built Newport.
the same time, John Hicks and his fourteen-year old wife Herodias arrived from
Weymouth, MA, seeking new opportunities as described in Rebel Puritan. I am
proud to claim Herodias and George Gardner as my most notorious ancestors. The
child bride Herodias (Long) Hicks, or Herod, as I spell the shortened name she
used, is the inspiration of my Scandalous Life series.
Butler's trilogy, screenshot from Amazon. The books are listed in reverse order. |
Gardners’ children, along with other second-generation Rhode Islanders, bought huge
tracts of land from the Indians and built Kingstown on the western shore of
Narragansett Bay. Their children prospered on that golden shore.
Gardner never left Newport to live in Kingstown, but Herod did. Though he was
near 60, John Porter also left his home – and his aged wife – for Kingstown.
Why? I set forth my thoughts in The Golden Shore.
led me to these intriguing persons, but when I work up a family line, I am
never content with a list of names and birth dates. Why did a family leave a
community – was it a shortage of land or a natural disaster? Were they
exchanging one preacher for another? Were they seeking a fresh start or were
they cast out? These are the sort of questions a novelist loves, and many are
answered by town histories and colonial records.
leaf I painted on my family tree added to my knowledge of New England’s
history, politics, and what misbehavior was considered worthy of punishment. As
the title of my series hints, Herod Long’s contemporaries considered her
scandalous. Early genealogists agreed. They described her as erratic,
impulsive, and neurotic. Perhaps so, but Herod had good reasons to feel cranky.

Rebel Puritan, Herod gave a petition to Rhode Island’s governor in December
1643, begging to be divorced from John Hicks. She preferred to subject herself
to any misery than to live with his abuse. Even though Governor Coddington
found ample evidence of Hicks’ inhumane and barbarous behavior and cruel blows
on divers parts of her bodie, he persuaded them to try married life again.
months later Hicks had not reformed, as an order to pay a substantial bond to
ensure his good behavior shows. Instead, he vanished, taking the couple’s young
children with him. At the end of 1644 a letter surfaced from Hicks, now living
on Long Island. He declared that he wanted nothing more to do with Herod, for the
Knot of affecion on her part have been untied long since, and her whoredome
have freed my conscience. Shortly thereafter, Herod was living with George
Gardner, bore a son to him in 1645, and that is where Rebel Puritan ends.
For a post about a land deed from
and Mary Dyer to
George Gardner in 1644, click HERE.
colonial soap opera, right? Yes, and no. I prefer a broader viewpoint, and
include the tumultuous alliances and divisions of New England’s early history,
largely forgotten these days.
for what drew me to Herod Long, I like kick-ass women, and her character shines
over the 400 years and 11 generations that separate us. Also, looking at that big
picture again, Rebel Puritan, The Reputed Wife, and now The Golden Shore let me
explore the impact that our foremothers had on the formation of New England.
impact could colonial women have? After all, we’ve all heard that they lived
humble lives. Married women couldn’t enter contracts, and very few were
literate. Herod was typical when she signed documents with an X.
of the first Thanksgiving depict Pilgrim women serving food (I can set a colonial
table with ease thanks to my archeology background), but that’s not all they
did. They gardened, sewed and spun, and cared for livestock, but they also
defended their homes if need arose.
primitive forms of contraception deemed evil, women bore children one after
another (with many births recorded only under the father’s name). Divorces due
to abandonment, infidelity, or abuse were rare, but even an abusive man kept his
children unless he didn’t want them. Herod lost her children when John Hicks
abandoned her.

a woman brought land to a marriage, it became her husband’s. Herod received an
inheritance, but bitterly complained in a petition that John Hicks took it from
her. Yes, he did, and it was completely legal.
weren’t allowed to vote, but the same was true of men who weren’t approved by
the town. Puritan colonies took it even further – men who were not church
members could not vote, and they would not be admitted to membership if their
beliefs were unorthodox.
could be church members, but could not preach. When Anne Hutchinson critiqued
Puritan sermons in her own home, Massachusetts’ government jailed and banished
her, and her heretical soul was condemned to hell.
Puritans came to regret their actions, for that strong-willed woman’s charisma
was responsible for the existence of Rhode Island. Before Anne Hutchinson’s
exile, no Englishmen lived near Narragansett Bay, apart from a few traders and
Roger Williams’ fledgling Providence.
Anne was cast out, some 80 families followed her, establishing towns on land they
bought from the Narragansett Indians. The Puritan colonies – Plymouth,
Massachusetts, and Connecticut – indignantly claimed the Narragansett Bay region,
but King Charles I gave Rhode Island a charter anyway and validated its deeds.
Dyer, prominent in The Reputed Wife, was one of many Quaker missionaries who
preached in defiance of law. Many Rhode Islanders were receptive to the Quakers’
message, but when they preached in Puritan colonies, they were punished with
increasing severity. Herod Gardner carried her infant daughter 60 miles through
wilderness to protest the whippings and brandings, and was herself jailed and
whipped. Two years later, Mary Dyer and several Quaker men were hanged in
Boston for defying banishment.

Quakers reported the barbarities to the newly-enthroned King Charles II, already
no friend of Puritans (who had deposed and beheaded his father). Especially
horrified by the abuse of women, including Mary Dyer and Herod Gardner, he ordered
the hangings to cease. Charles praised Rhode Island’s liberty of conscience –
freedom to worship as one chose without molestation, upheld Rhode Island’s
charter and protected them from encroachment by Puritan colonies.
women truly influenced American history. Anne Hutchinson’s popularity with liberal-minded
colonists led directly to the creation of Rhode Island. The sacrifices of Mary
Dyer, Herodias, and the other Quakers, influenced a king to support Rhode
Island’s freedom of worship – a concept enshrined a century later in the
Declaration of Independence.
it took much longer for women to gain legal rights, but their struggles are a
dominant theme in my books. In The Golden Shore, Herod again faces the loss of
her children and property to her husband – actually her unwed domestic partner
of two decades, as she reveals to the court. What will she do to retain her
independence, and what will she surrender for love? As we saw in Rebel Puritan and
The Reputed Wife, Herod is capable of great sacrifice, and great strength.
women endured horrible marriages because they feared their abusive husbands’
revenge, but though she faced impoverishment and humiliation, Herod Long stood
up and said, “I want out.”
The Reputed Wife, Herod stood up to Massachusetts’ Puritan governor and said, “Torturing
people for their beliefs is wrong.” Whether she acted from faith or pure
humanity; Herod walked into harm’s way to defend them, knowing what would
The Golden Shore, Herod stands up again when a relationship goes sour. She
seeks a second legal separation, but it’s clear that she learned a lesson from
John Hicks. This time she asks for ownership of land she worked for, child
custody, and support for her youngest daughter.
are familiar with these details of Herod Long’s life, but I won’t reveal any more
secrets here. However, in The Golden Shore I sought solutions that work for
everyone, and leave my characters as friends – and more. Hopefully they will
leave readers content as well.
Jo Ann Butler is an archaeologist, musician, 17th-century researcher, and the
author of three books and numerous articles on early-colonial America. She
lives in Fulton, New York.
website is
http://rebelpuritan.com/ and
her Amazon author page is